Monday, November 9, 2009

Grease: Not only the word...but great to keep the in place

So...havent't showered since last Monday evening...which makes it a week exactly. That means that the hair has a nice and natural sheen to it. It's very becoming of me I have to say.

Today at around 11 am they moved me and all of my equiptment back to the regular hospital room. Im out of Intensive Care YAHOOOOOOOO!!! Im still of the same attitude as last time though...there were more people my age in the IC unit to talk to than here. BUT I can't complain.

At first after the surgerz I was feeling surprisingly great! Maybe it was the drugs...but I really felt conciously better than I remember feeling right after the last surgery. I was coughing a little but it wasn't as much of a strugle as it was last time. I think I got a little carried away with coughing though. The next morning I woke up with air pockets in my upper chest and neck area. It didn't hurt but it made me look buff. One negative side affect was that all the added pressure on my vocal chords made me sound like a little girl. Everyone enjoyed that. I kept my answers and conversation to Ja and Nein. I was still doing really well over the weekend expecially as the puffy hulk-ness went away and I could start to speak a little more normally. Sunday was especially a good day for me. It started out with Markus (the nurse who helped me get to the interenet the last time...and who if I remember correctly did this last time) taking out my cathater! (Markus and I are almost as close as the Ben...the Iron Clam Shell nurse as UCLA...) Then I got my first tube out...such a relief...and then lastly (just as "relieving"...ahem) I got my gentle...So...

Needless to say I was rather distraut when I tried to go to sleep and all I could do was cough. I couldn't sleep and the more I coughed junk up the more came into position. My lung started hurting noticably for the first time Sunday night/Monday morning. I woke up tired and sore. I got some pain meds from the nurse. But after staring at my bread, butter and honey for an extended period of time thinking, "Do you really want it...'cause if you do you're going to have to lift those arms and butter it yourself..." I knew today wasn't going to be as wonderful as the last few days have been.

I got to the regular room around 11 am and my mom got there 30 min later. I ate lunch but stayed in bed still hooked up getting pain medication. Everytime I moved to a knew position it hurt and then if I stayed still it would slowly go away. Finally they got a Dr. in to look at me etc and hey says it may be the last tube moving whenever I move to a sensative area. He was saying that They may take out the tube tomorrow (which they were planning to anyways due to my good drainage) and that hopefully that will ease a lot of the pain.

But I've been high as a kite since Im ready for bed now. Tonight will be better im sure...and tomorrow I may be getting a Doener... :)

Thanks for everyone good thoughts and prayers this past week...Love you all...


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